Title of the Project: Strengthening Young and Adult Peace Multipliers in Bangladesh (AHIMSA)
Project Implementation Period: 2 Years and 3 month( 01 April 2022 to 30 June 2024)
Name of donor: NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice
Project Areas: 2 Upazila (Mohadevpur and Badalgachi) in Naogaon
Direct Project Beneficiaries: 54,609 (persons)
Year-wise budget distribution/allocations:
2022: BDT. 71,38,138
2023: BDT. 63,77,280
2024: BDT. 30,54,584
Total Project budget: 16,570,002
District/ Upazila wise budget distribution:
Badolgachi Upazila: BDT.3,445,441
Mohadevpur Upazila: BDT. 3,445,442
Project type and goal: The AHIMSHA project been developed to establish peaceful and inclusive societies where the backward people of the society can live their desired lives without being subjected to direct, structural and cultural violence. The project supports the achievement of specific development goals 5, 10, and 16 and the ratification and implementation of international human rights instruments. This project will involve Bangladesh's civil society in government decision-making and strengthen democratic governance. This project will provide the government with strategies/ideas to promote human rights and gender equality and promote the rights of marginalized and minority groups and protect human rights workers. The goal of the AHIMSHA project “Strengthening Young and Adult Peace Multipliers in Bangladesh (AHIMSA)”