DASCOH works with the Local Government to improve the governance and transform them into agencies that do not necessarily provide services directly but ensure their availability through involvement of state and non-state actors.

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Thriving through Equity, Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience (THRIVE)

Title of the Project:  Thriving through Equity, Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience (THRIVE)

Project Implementation Period:  January 2024 to 31 December 2028 (5 years)

Name of donor: KEKS/EPER

Project Areas:  Dhamoirhat, Mohadebpur, Patnital, Niamotpur, Porsha, Sapahar, Manda, Gomostapur, Nachole

Direct Project Beneficiaries: 9150  (persons)

Total Project budget:  BDT 33,861,100 for 2024

Project type and goal: DASCOH has been implementing the THRIVE project from January 2024 to December 2027 in Naogoan and Chapainawanganj districts with the financial and technical support provided by the HEKS/EPER Bangladesh.  The goal of the THRIVE project is to create an enabling environment for improved and resilient life for the Dalits, Adivashis and other marginalities in order to ensure access to rights, socio-political, cultural and economic wellbeing of the project area.

Project participants to be covered:  A total 9150 Households will be covered through project support. The Upazila wise detailed project participants are as follows:

Major Interventions:

  • ·       TVET enrollment and job placement
  • ·       Capacity building on DRR and CCA & Resource management
  • ·       IGA Mapping and business/entrepreneurship training
  • ·       Support to climate/disaster victims for resilience
  • ·       Adaptive livelihood support to selected project participants
  • ·       Sensitization of LGA & LGIs on DRR and CCA/Training on DRR and CCA for LGIs
  • ·       Sub-national workshop with judicial department.
  • ·       National level advocacy/ multi-stakeholders’ consultation.
  • ·       Community-led advocacy by advocacy platforms