Project Name: Climate Resilient Agricultural Advancement in Barind (CRAAB)
Project Implementation Period: 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2025
Funding Agencies: HSBC
Project Areas: Poba of Rajshahi, Sadar of Chapainawabgonj, Niamotpur and Patnitola of Naogaon
Total Project budget: 2,17,33,417
Project goal/objective: Increase productivity, diversify livelihood and reduce GHG emission through promotion of CSRA technologies (Precision Land Leveling – Alternate Wetting and Drying for rice, Ultra High-Density Production with drip irrigation for mango); Promote women-centric agriculture through generating entrepreneurship and employment opportunities
Outcome-1: Increased practice of remunerative Climate Smart Resilient Agrotechnologies (CSRA)
Outcome-2. Developed Climate Smart Market System
Outcome-3: Disseminated results of Adaptive Research and developed Community Partnership.
DASCOH Foundation is implementing a multidimensional project named Climate Resilient Agricultural Advancement in Barind (CRAAB) in partnership with Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) funded by the Hong Kong-Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC). The primary objective of the project is to enhance the utilization of natural resources such as soil, water, and plants by promoting the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices for production, adaptation, and mitigation in the Barind region. The project aims to achieve goal and objective by improving irrigation efficiency, increasing farm productivity, and establishing local agribusiness opportunities through a robust public-private stakeholder network.
The well-being of Total 25000 farm families along with 50% of youth and 20% women residing in the Barind area of Paba Upazila of Rajshahi District, Sadar Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj, and Niamatpur and Patnitala Upazila of Naogaon District is expected to significantly improve during July, 2023 – December, 2025 period. The main activities which are being implemented under this project are farmers training as well as demonstrations on AWD, Mango UHD plantation homestead garden and vermicomposting, field day observation and exposure visit within the Climate Smart Resilient Agro technologies, Market System Development and Research and Community Partnership components.