Title of the Project: Community-led climate smart innovation to address climate change impacts.
Project Period: May 27, 2024 to May 26, 2026
Name of donor: USAID through BRAC
Project Areas: Islampur Upazila in Jamalpur District
Direct Project Beneficiaries: 1680 (Male; 1428, Female: 252). All are members of Union Disaster Management Committee and Ward Disaster Management committee
Total Project budget: BDT-18225792/-
District/ Upazila wise budget distribution:
Islampur Upazila: BDT-18225792/-
Project Goal: Support Communities to reduce the Risk of climate-Related disasters and improve communities’ resilience to climate change.
Purpose of the Project:
Purpose 01: Improved local government’s ability to prepare for’ responds to, and recover from climate-induced disasters.
Purpose 02: Improve communities’ ability to prepare for and withstand climate-induced disasters by linking proven climate-adaptive solutions to agriculture, water, and infrastructure with locally- developed solutions.