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Promotion of social partnership for empowerment of marginalized communities(PROSPECT)

Project Name: Promotion of Social Partnership for Employment of Marginalized Communities in 2 districts and national level in Bangladesh

Project Period: July 2019 to December 2022. 

Contracting Authority: BMZ

Supported by: NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice

Project Areas: Godagari and Tanore Upazila of Rajshahi district and Patnitala and Niamotpur of Noagaon district

Total Project budget: 41,216,949

Target beneficiaries: 6025 HRDs in 189 CSO 1080 students (Young HRD) from 36 Schools, 144 Teachers, 396 SMC members, 120 public authority, and 468 LGI members.

Project goal/objective:  Human Rights Defenders and public authorities are strengthened to protect and promotes of marginalized communities in 2 districts and national level in Bangladesh.

The overall goal of the PROSPECT project was to enhance protection and promotion of human rights mechanism of marginalized community to reduce violence against women and girls through skill development of “human rights defenders, Civil society, democracy activists “.  Girls and women are facing different kinds of violence every day. They could not share their difficulties with their families or close one due to less confidence. They hear a lot about their weakness from their parents, relatives, neighbors and society, and They always being suffer in the family and the society.  The project emphasizes on human rights but women and girls are focused because they mostly affected on human rights perspective.  

Expected Result:


3046 HRDs (Without duplication) from local to national level are capacitated to protect and promote rights of marginalised communities in 4 sub-districts and to engage in conflict-sensitive democratic dialogue with public authorities.  


HRDs organised in 126 civil society organisations (CSOs) from local to national level and in 24 high schools in 4 sub-districts are visible and recognised as important civic actors for the protection and promotion of human rights of marginalized communities.


Effective cooperation mechanisms between CSOs and public authorities from local to national level exist for the promotion of inclusive development and the protection of the rights of marginalized communities.

Targeted Group:  3046 HRDs without duplication in 126 CSOs from local to district level, 24 Secondary level schools with 720 students, 96 teachers 264  SMC members, 80 employees in 18 public authorities and 312 members of 24 elected Union Parishads in the 2 districts participating in activities under result 3.

Major project interventions:

·       Formation of Civil Society Organization (CSO) at community to district level.

·       Organize and facilitate all CSOs and Student Forums meetings.

·       Organize joint workshop on human rights issues at Union, Upazila and District level.

·       Capacity building of different groups and stakeholders through trainings and workshops.

·       Democratic dialogue between civil society and authorities at local and regional level.

·       Organize self-defense training for girl’s student of student forums.

·       Demonstrate Theatre Performance on Human Rights, Violence Against Women (VAW) Child and women rights Couple Meeting.

·       Day Observation and Information Fair on Human Rights, Marginalized Rights and RTI activity.

Results: Following results have been captured while completion of the project.

Result 01: 625 HRDs from local to national level are capacitated to protect and promote rights of marginalized communities in 12 Sub-districts and engage in conflict sensitive democratic dialogue with the local and public authorities.

Result 02:  HRDs organized in 189 civil society organizations (CSO) from local to national level and in 36 high schools in sub-districts are visible and recognized as important civic actors for the protection and promotion of human rights of marginalized communities.

 Result 03: Effective cooperation Mechanism between CSO and public authorities from local to national level exist for the promotion of inclusive development and the protection of rights of marginalized communities.