SCSPPWR (Strengthened Civil Society Protect and Promotes Women Rights) project has implemented for reducing high prevalence of domestic violence, increased awareness on bad effect of child marriage, child marriage act-2017 and promoted Rights to Information Act-2009 and submit the application according to RTI act-2009 in 16 unions of four Upazila under Noagon and Chapainawabgonj district. It is also mentioned that the project has introduced three acts which is Domestic Violence act-2010, Child Marriage Registrant act-2017 and Rights to information act-2009.
Title of the Project: Strengthened Civil Society Protect and Promotes Women Rights.
Overall objective: Civil society, democracy activists and human rights defenders proactively enhance protection and promotion of human rights and further democratisation in Bangladesh.
Specific objective: Civil society organisations promote and protect gender equality and women’s rights and prevent violence based on gender and other identities.
Name of Donor and Project Duration:
Contracting Authority: European Commission
Supported by: NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice
Project Period: January 2018 to December 2020 (Completed).
Project location or area Coverage:
08 Unions of Nachole and Chapai Sodor Under Chapainwabgonj district and 08 Unions Porsa and Sapahar Under Naogoan district.
Targeted Group: 1600 HRD in 64 CSO, 16 Secondary level schools with 2400 students, 320 SMC members, 22 Regional alliance committee and 22 public authorities and local elected bodies.
Expected Result:
Output 1: Local and regional HRDs and their civil society organisations (CSOs) are capacitated to enhance their operational space, to prevent gender-based violence and to promote women’s rights.
Output 2: An effective partnership between CSOs and public authorities is established to raise accountability of decision makers on women’s rights and to prevent discrimination and violence against women and religious and ethnic minorities.
Output 3: CS alliances systematically monitor the implementation of policies affecting women, in particular the Child Marriage Restraint Act (CMRA) and the Domestic Violence Act (DVA), and strategically contribute to policy advancement.
Major Achievement:
· 320 Adolescent girls has received the self-defense training
· CSO assisted to attach 119 family through ADR
· 15 survivors has separated by receiving their debtor and total amount 5,54,000/- in assistant of CSO.
· 252 CSO members has involved different committee like SMC, CC, SHPC, NGO UP standing, CMRA, Mosque, Church etc
· 4963 Children has increased awareness on Child marriage, DVA and RTI in assign 16 schools.
· 16 Students group performed 64 theatre where total 15, 981 participants participated.
· 22 Mobile court has conducted in 04 Upazila, among them 07 for sexual harassment and 15 for child marriage where UNO has ensured 07 days to 6 months Zail with penalty.
· 10 Unions already formed the child marriage prevention committee where 35 HRD has involved.
· 20 female police has received training and police has campaigned 06 schools on child marriage and sexual harassment.
· Two information fair and two couple fair has organized by issuing letter from Govt.