Title of the Project: Strengthening Water and Sanitation Integrity for Godagari, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Project Implementation Period: 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
Name of donor: Water Integrity Network (WIN)
Project Areas: Rajshahi district: Godagari Upazila, with nine Unions and two Paurashavas.
Direct Project Beneficiaries: 36400 (persons)
Total Project budget: 3211453
District/ Upazila wise budget distribution:
Godagari Upazila: BDT. 3211453
Project type and goal: The Strengthening Water and Sanitation Integrity for Godagari, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (SWSI) project. The SWSI project funded and technically supported by WIN. The project aims to address water and sanitation integrity issues, contributing to sustainable development, community well-being, and human rights improvements in the Godagari Upazila.
Godagari Upazila, with nine Unions and two Paurashavas, faces with water scarcity, impacting both drinking and household use, and agriculture. Situated in a drought-prone area of Bangladesh, it confronts climate change challenges, including droughts, river erosion, cold waves, and soil degradation. The Barind region's groundwater sustainability is a significant concern, affecting livelihoods. Additionally, issues such as land rights for ethnic minorities and human rights persist, with problems like violence against women, child marriages, and gender-based violence having direct or indirect ties to water integrity. Ethnic minority groups, especially women and girls, face discrimination due to their gender, indigenous identity, and socio-economic status. This project main activity is- arranging training, dialogue meeting, integrity tools practice for awareness & capacity building for fighting corruption in water to Government officials, VWCs, CVs, Journalists, women, media & Youth groups.