Title of the Project: Water Management Project For Vulnerable Communities In Barind Tract
Project Implementation Period: 03 Years (01 July 2023 to 30 June 2026)
Name of donor: The Coca-Cola Foundation
Project Areas: Naogaon District: 08 Union of Niamotpur Upazila
Direct Project Beneficiaries: 96, 540 (persons)
Total Project budget: 74,851,743
Project type and goal: The Water Management project area is in the Barind Tract, a disadvantaged and ‘hard to reach’ part of Bangladesh where a harsh climate and scarcity of water contribute to development indicators that are significantly below the national average. Household water supply sources are unreliable.
Apart from drinking and irrigation water, the project will focus initially on community institution building and awareness-raising in the communities and, as demand for improved water management system. In water supply, special attention will be given to the potential of Pond re-excavation, Canal re-excavation, Check dam construction, drinking water supply, Promote hygiene sanitation, water efficient technology, Household level rainwater harvesting and Managed aquifer recharge system. The beneficiaries will be selected by the communities themselves via community Water Management Committees (based on the structure of Community Based Organisation) using the criteria outlined in the government’s ‘Pro Poor Strategy’. The Union Parishads, as the lowest tier of governance, will play a major role – with their official Standing Committees being activated to engage with the community Water Management Committees. The participatory process of engagement with the beneficiary communities and building the capacity of the Union Parishads will contribute to the ongoing sustainability of the project’s outcomes.